Yes, we’d be glad to offer a refund or exchange on items you’ve already purchased from us. All you need to do is reach out to us within 30 days of your order date.
If you changed your mind regarding your purchase, we’d be happy to see its return. However, you must make sure that the original packaging is unopened and the item is unused.
If there’s a manufacturing issue with the item, send us a detailed description of the product fault together with an image.
If you think you’ve received the wrong item or it got damaged while in transit, document it and send the image to us within 7 days of delivery. Do not dispose of the item you’ve purchased until our team has given you feedback.
If you want to request an item return or exchange, please fill out the form we’ve prepared. Make sure that you’ve filled out and submitted this form before bringing back the item to us.
Once we’ve received your report, our team will reach out to you and give you instructions regarding the return of the items you’ve purchased.
After finalising the details for the item’s return, make sure to package the item safely and securely. You can try to use the initial packaging we provided or something similar.
You have to strictly follow the instructions we emailed to you, including the shipping label placement. You may drop the parcel in a freestanding post office box, in your parcel locker, or at an Australian Post Outlet.
We’ll process your exchange or refund as within 2 business days after item receipt. Once we’ve processed your item return, we’ll reach out to you immediately.
Q1. Is my return request eligible for free shipping?
A1. To know whether you qualify for this or not, please reach out to our customer service team. Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide the return postage fees on all types of items.
Q2. What if you didn’t receive the item I had second thoughts on in resalable condition?
A2. If the item you had second thoughts on was returned in a condition not fit for further resale, then it will be sent back to your shipping address. We will let you know if we will accept the condition of your item as outlined in our returns policy.
Q3. What if the electrical item I’ve purchased is still under warranty?
A3. We will be happy to assist you with your request as long as it is within the warranty period. However, please take note that some electrical warranties are directly processed through its Australian distributors. Therefore, you may be asked to return it directly to the supplier.
If you have additional inquiries, please contact our customer service team or call us on our number.
Please be informed that our business currently does not provide pick-up or click-and-collect services.
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